The environmental issues caused by refractories have to turn out to be an increasingly vital problem in the resent times. The main issues are the work environment during the installation and utilization of refractories, natural resources conversation and energy, and worldwide environment.
Several types of refractories are used in steel making and iron processes in the steel sector. The refractory spent generated when they’re damaged and the production of metal becomes unstable when the refractories are changed with new ones. Therefore, we’ve made it our mission to reach zero waste from waste refractories, and decrease the value and cost of refractories.
Improvements in Recycling Technology for Refractories
The increased attention for recycling tech has led to a solid decline in the land filling of refractory waste. For instance, in Japan, the steel sector has made considerable effort to boost recycling and up to 90 percent or even complete recycling is achieved.
However, the waste of refractories is remain mostly recycled in very low-grade applications such as roadbed contents and aggregates in fresh bricks, resulting in the loss of worthy raw materials…
Waste magnesia chrome refractories have been recycled as a waste of for production of chrome steel and have been utilized in flowerbeds. Other applications which have been described in the literature are recycling as raw contents for cement fabrication…
It can be seen that contact with slag and metal during the refractory lifetime boosts the value of CAO, SIO2 and FE 2 O 3 in the recycled refractories. The presence of these impurities usually outcomes in reduce of durability due to melt for motion among CA/SI and MG/AI. Furthermore, recycled refractories suggest tending to have higher porosity and less density than virgin materials that affect the physic-mechanical properties of the refractory waste.